How to Cut Wide Boards with Miter Saw – Step by Step

| Last Updated: April 14, 2021

How to Cut Wide Boards with Miter SawWhenever the people out there tell you about crosscuts and miters, the first saw comes in our mind is the miter saw. It helps in cutting from several angles!

When you have wide or thick boards that are too large to cut, you must know how to cut wide boards with a miter saw!

Let us know how this works. And after that, try it at home! We can assure you; there is no other easy way than this one!

Step by Step Cutting Wide Boards with Miter Saw

Step 1: The Perfect Blade

The blade of the miter-saw always matters. No matter what you are cutting, it would help if you had a blade that works amazingly.

The correct blade choosing can be a bit difficult for you if you are just a newbie. In the case of this blade, you will find details about positive and negative hook angles.

If you are new, you won’t know much about it. So, we will tell you shortly about what they exactly are and what is right for you!

The negative hook angle blades have angled-back teeth. The teeth are directly connected to the centerline of the blade.

With these sorts of blades, you can settle for fabulous scrapping. This will ensure that the cutting action is better no matter what!

On the other hand, the positive hook angle blade is entirely the opposite of this! If you prefer an aggressive cut, you can rely on this.

However, you will get some blades that have a top negative hook along with a bottom-positive hook. The work of the negative hook blade is to provide a safer cut.

So, you can already imagine that if you go for a double cut miter saw; you will have a win-win moment in your life!

For this, you have to ensure that you have a perfect miter saw first. If you want to do cuts for crown moulding, get the best miter saw for crown moulding. If you’re going to create some window casings, get the best one from any brand!

Step 2: Stable Workpiece

When you start the cutting process, the wood piece will move. Now, if you do not attach the workpiece on the table, it will never be stable.

Consequently, you will never be able to get a smooth cut! So, after checking the blade and getting ready with the workpiece, you have to attach it with the table.

No matter if you are working with thin wood or a thick one, clamping the piece is one of the most vital things you have to take care of while cutting wide boards with a miter saw!

In most cases, when you cut wide plywoods that are thick, you will never get the perfect cut with a miter saw.

And so, you have to rely on clamping the board properly. If you can hold it in a stable position while cutting, you will never face confusion, and the blade will run through smoothly!

Step 3: Take Measurements

When you are ready to position the wood, you have to measure it correctly. The measurement makes the cut accurate! If you want to get the right cuts, you have to use a pencil in this situation.

With the help of the pencil, mark the line. Over this line, you have to run your blade! For making precise cuts, the right measurement with the marked line is enough! You can get the straight and smooth cut with it!

Step 4: Cut it Down

You are almost ready; all you have to do now is cut the board down. First, take the motor and slide it through the board.

Make sure that blades are partway. Now, you have to afford a gradual force. And you are done! Just power the saw up and then cut it! It will eat the piece automatically after starting,

When you are cutting, certify that there is a bit of uncut board at the back part. Do not let the board go through it all. Stop the machine before that!

Step 5: Pause and Break

When you are dealing with a large and wide board, you surely need patience. You cannot think that the whole process will be done in two minutes. This will take time.

And so, you have to give pauses if you need them. If you try to do the whole process in one take, it can be tiring for you.

But when you give brakes, your machine gets to rest and you too! If you do not stop the machine and try to do the whole work in one start, it can make your device very hot.

That’s not what you want! So, give it a break and let it cool down. After that, the machine can work better than before!

Step 6: Go with the Flow

If you are a beginner in the wood cutting sector, you probably will get tired of doing a lot of work together. Cutting a wide board requires time.

And when you are doing it with a miter saw, you must tell yourself beforehand that this will not be too easy for you.

Some beginners try to force the saw into the thick and wide board to cut the board faster and make the cut clean. But trust me, this is not the case with the miter saw!

If you want an accurate cut, you have to push it gradually. If you keep forcing the machine to cut your wood piece faster and cleaner, you will reveal yourself to be unsafe.

It is because if you force the saw, there are chances that the blade breaks. This can make your existence unprotected!

Also read: Best Portable Table Saw for Fine Woodworking | Top Picks

Wrap Up

If you want to know how to cut wide boards with a miter saw, you can check out the process we have mentioned above.

This is the easiest method of cutting large and thick boards. Try this with proper safety concerns, and you will never get disappointed.

Also, write some words below about how you cut wide boards with a miter saw. Is there any problem that you are facing while using a miter saw for this purpose? Please share it with us!